Ivan has over 30 years’ experience as a management consultant and change agent, supporting organizations…
Using our proprietary methodology, InVista Associates tackles your biggest business challenges to produce breakthroughs you didn’t even know were possible.
J. Marriott, Deputy Director - Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. “Almost everything we do has never been done before and is considered from the outset to be impossible. There is never a straightforward solution. The number of variables and details overpowers any typical problem solving method. InVista’s Breakthrough Process really works in these unbelievably complex situations.”
Joel Freedman, Managing Partner - Avanti Hospitals, LLC We wanted to thank you for introducing us to Ivan Rosenberg. We have had only three meetings with him, but his insights and recommendations have already proven to be invaluable.
Kevin Hobbs, VP of Marketing - Affinity Group, Inc. Thank you so much for your monumental contribution to this year’s AGI Marketing Conference. We wouldn’t have had a theme, if not for you. There aren’t very many people who can hold a room for four hours on any subject, let alone one as complex as Producing Breakthroughs. You did an outstanding job! The demonstration worked very well.
Andrew B. Leeka, President & CEO - Good Samaritan Hospital It is with pleasure that I recommend Ivan Rosenberg as an executive coach for your national hospital organization. Ivan has worked with me at Good Samaritan Hospital for the past three years. During this period, I have had the opportunity to train my executive team to establish more meaningful goals, establish exacting metrics for monitoring progress, and ultimately achieve significant progress in achieving operating, clinical, and customer service goals.
David W. Blanford, CEO - J.F. Molloy & Associates, Inc. I’m writing to tell you how much I appreciate your efforts on our behalf over the past few months. The “Breakthrough” sessions that you led were right on target; they were challenging, enlightening and motivating. They’ve enabled us to break through seemingly impossible barriers and have inspired our people to accomplish the goal you helped us establish.
Our work pays for itself with a 10-15x ROI or higher. We are so confident in our ability to produce the intended results that we often work on a fixed-price money-back guarantee.
Tim Higgins is an expert in quality control; for the last eight years he worked as a NASA Safety and …
Mike’s passion is helping individuals and organizations deliver results and shape the future.